Methods of Heat Transfer in Cooking Food. - cruise online


Methods of Heat Transfer in Cooking Food.

Images of convection, conduction, Radiation, evaporation cooking food method mechanism heat transfer

Heat can be applied directly to food, by dry heat, or by placing food in a hot cooking medium such as water or stock (moist heat)

This can take place in three ways, by convection,conduction and radiation. Each of these explained below. In practice, most cooking uses a combination of all three. For erarnple, a basic sponge
is cooked by heat reflecting from the oven walls (radiation), heat circulating, in the air within the oven
(convection) and heat transferred from the cake tin tothe cake mixture (conduction).


Convection occurs when a liquid or gas is heated causing hot air to rise and cooler air to sink,
distributing the heat through the liquid or gas and into the food.

> Boiling food: the water is gradually heated by
convection currents from the heat source and the hot water transters heat to the food.

> Baking in an oven: the heat generated in the oven
is transferred to the food.


In conduction, heat passes through one solid to
another. This can only be done with materials that are good conductors of heat, such as metals. The food

needs to be in direct contact with a heated item in order to cOok.

An example of cooking by conduction is food in
direct contact with a griddle.


Heat is transferred directly to food by electromagnetic waves, such as microwaves or infrared waves. These waves first heat the food and then cook it. Any object that is in the path of the waves, such as a salamander, will also become hot.

Examples of cooking by radiation include grilling,
toasting, barbeque and microwaving

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