Waste Managment in Cruiseline for crew and Guest. (GARBAGE,PPE,CONTAMINATION,PREVENTION) - cruise online


Waste Managment in Cruiseline for crew and Guest. (GARBAGE,PPE,CONTAMINATION,PREVENTION)

Waste managment on cruise ship, garbage, preventio

The daily operations on board ships generate significant amounts of waste. Appropriate control and effective management are needed in order to avoid health and environmental risks. The waste streams from ships include food waste, garbage, sewage and grey water, hazardous waste and infectious and non-infectious medical waste. These types of wastes, if not properly treated and disposed of, can be a significant source of pathogens with the potential to threaten human health.
Adopting control measures such as appropriate storage of waste and safe handling procedures
will help to safeguard public health on board ships. In response to the particular concerns
arising from the impacts of ships discharges, a strict international legislative regime was
developed by the IMO with the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
Ships (MARPOL). The EU has enacted legislative requirements for the control, safe handling
storage and disposal of waste

5.1. Separate containers
-Separate receptacles or containers must be used for the segregation of food
animal by-products, hazardous waste, medical waste
-and recyclables
-They should be clearly labelled and distinguishable by colour, graphics, shape, size
and/or location.

Crew should have knowledge of the health risks involved with waste accumulation and
spoilage, and of the correct use of PPE

5.3. PPE
- Appropriate PPE must be used when collecting, transferring and handling waste to mitigate the risks present.
- The following should be made available to all crew who collect or handle waste:

-helmets, with or without visors - depending on the operation;
-face masks - depending on operation;
-eye protectors (safety goggles) - depending on operation
o overalls (coveralls)
o leg protectors and/or industrial boots
o disposable gloves or heavy-duty gloves (waste workers) Garbage handling in galleys

5.4. Avoiding contamination
Garbage must not be a direct or indirect source of contamination (e.g. through contact with surfaces that food is prepared on, or by attracting pests)

5.5. Garbage accumulation
Garbage must not be allowed to accumulate in food preparation or serving areas beyond the end of any work shift, so as to avoid contamination of food or the creation of conditions favourable for pest infestations

5.6. Transportation
- Interiors of garbage lifts, garbage chutes, sorting tables or any other surfaces in the galley coming into contact with garbage should be made of easily cleanable, corrosion- resistant, non-absorbent and durable materials.
-Drains should be installed at the bottom of all garbage lift shafts including provision platform lifts and dumbwaiters.

5.7. Prevention of Accidents and Injury
In order to
prevent any such injuries, each food handler must observe the following preventive
5.8. Prevention of Burns
Use only dry cloth or oven mitts to lift or move hot pot
, pans or other hot cooking equipment or
Keep the long handles of pans out of the aisles and away from a direct source of heat.
Ask for assistance when moving heavy containers with hot foods or liquids.
IlI. Avoid overfilling of pans and containers with hot foods or liquids.
V. Warn others about hot pans, utensils or china
V. Wear only long-sleeved chef's jackets
Vi. Do not splatter liquids, such as water into hot fats or oils
Lift lids of pans or pots with hot foods and liquids to the opposite side from you to allow
steam to escape away from you
Keep aerosol cans away from excessive heat
Keep oven doors closed except when loading and unloading.
Open the doors of ovens and pressure steamers slowly to allow head and steam to
XI. Do not overload deep fat fryers
Xil. Report defective equipment that could result in fires or injury
XIlI. Know where the fire extinguishers and fire suppression blankets that are located in your
area of responsibility.
Know where the fire escapes are in the area you work.
Prevention of Cuts
Select the appropriate knife for the specific task on hand.
Always be attentive and focused when using any knife
Use proper knife grips when cutting or chopping
IV. Always hold a knife by its handle and have the blade point toward the deck when you
have to walk with a knife.
Keep knives properly sharpened and ensure the blades are fee of nicks and gouges.
tore knives in the appropriate storage lockers when they are not in use. Knives must
be cleaned and sanitized before they are stored
Do not leave knives in sinks under water or in any other place where they cannot be
Always use the appropriate cutting board when using a knife, other than a paring knife
that is used to turn vegetables
IX. Never use knives to try to cut or pry open cans or other food containers
X. Learn the proper operating procedures before operating meat slicers, band saws, food
choppers or grinders. If you are not sure how to operate a specific piece of equipment
or machinery, ask your supervisor to provide you with instructions on how to safely
operate the equipment
Xi. Always perform a safety check on all power cutting and grinding equipment to ensure
the machinery is has been properly assembled and is safe to us
XII Always use the provided safety guards when operating machinery. If necessary, use
XIlI. Immediately report any repair deficiency of any power cutting or grinding equipment
proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as safety goggles
Do not remove food from saws or slicers before the blade has come to a complete stop
and the power switch is set to "off
Be attentive and focuses when
power switch is set to the "off" position and the equipment is unplugged
Dispose of chipped glass and china in the appropriate receptacles (containers)
disassembling electrical cutting equipment. Ensure the
5.10. Prevention of Slips and Falls
Always wear the appropriate footwear as outlined in Section 3.1, Paragraph xi
Ensure that decks are kept free of spills, grease and other liquids. If there is a spill of a
liquid, have it cleaned up immediately
Keep decks, alleyways and stair cases free of obstructions. Report obstructions of
passageways caused by other departments to your supervisor
Pay particular attention when ascending or descending stairwells
Do not use unsafe means to stand on, such as boxes, inverted buckets
step stools or ladders provided
. Use the proper
5.11. Reporting of Accident or Injuries
If you have an accident or sustain an injury, irrespective of how minor it is, you must
immediately report it to your supervisor who will determine the appropriate course of action
such as a referral to the vessel infirmary
Similarly, if you witness and accident or an injury, regardless of how minor, you must also
report it to your supervisor.
5.12. First Aid
If you witness an accident of injury that requires immediate medical attention and/or first aid
you must alert someone else in the area to inform call the vessel emergency number to report
the accident so that appropriate emergency procedures can be invoked by the vessel's safety
team and medical staff
You may also need to administer first aid as you were taught during the Elementary First Aid
Training that is part of the Basic Safety Training (BST) of the STCW requirements
