


Hazardous substances are used on board ships during operations such as dry cleaning, photo
processing, printing, housekeeping and maintenance. Chemical agents used in a food operation
area can be categorised into three basic categories: a) maintenance, b) cleaning and
disinfection and c) pest control chemicals. Appropriate handling of hazardous substances that
are used on board can prevent potential health risks. The high risk posed to both human health
and the environment has lead the EU to set a strict legislative framework setting requirements
regarding the labelling, storage, safe handling and disposal of hazardous substances.

4.1. Risk assessment
Hazardous chemical agents used in the accommodation/public spaces must be identified and
their risk must be assessed

4.2. Biocidal products
Biocidal products used on board the ship must comply with the requirements listed in Directive

4.3. Original containers labelling
-All hazardous substances in their original containers must carry a legible manufacturer's
-The labels must be written in a language that the crew can read and understand.

4.4. Working containers
Working containers of hazardous substances, when filled from bulk containers, must be clearly
identifiable. The manufacturer's name and the relevant safety and environmental details listed
on the manufacturer's label must be incorporated.

4.5. Unlabelled containers
Unlabelled hazardous chemical containers must never be used in food areas.

4.6. Packaging design and material
Packaging containing hazardous substances or mixtures must be easily identifiable and must
comply with the following requirements:
- the packaging must be designed and constructed so that the contents cannot escape, except in cases where other more specific safety devices are prescribed
- the materials constituting the packaging and fastenings must not be susceptible to damage, or liable to produce hazardous compounds when in contact with the contents.

4.7. Storage areas
All storage areas for hazardous substances should be clearly labelled to indicate the types of materials stored within. These areas should be locked when not in use to prevent unauthorised access that might initiate spills or leaks that could contaminate food, packaging materials utensils or equipment.

4.8. Chemical agents
Cleaning and disinfection chemical agents should not be stored in food preparation areas. If stored near to food preparation or serving areas the chemical agents should be suitably secured to prevent contamination.

Material Safety Data Sheets ainers previously used to store hazardous substances should not be used to store or

4.10. Material Safety Data Sheets
The designated crew member must ensure that the Material Safety Data Sheet is obtained by the supplier before the hazardous substance is first supplied to the workplace. Application

4.11. Handling and disposal
ardous substances must be handled and disposed of in accordance with procedures which take into consideration how the substance is used, how it is chemically altered during u requirements specific to the vessel, and the information contained on the Material Safety Data Sheets.

4.12. Training
Appropriate training and information should be given to those crew exposed to hazardous substances in relation to health hazards and safe use and handling of hazardous substances.

Hand washing station
A hand washing station should be located at the place where working containers are filled from bulk containers of hazardous substances, or solution preparation is taking place

4.14. PPE
Appropriate PPE must be provided to and used by the handlers of hazardous substances, in accordance with the ships health and safety policy and as per the Material Safety Data Sheet Instructions.

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