Food safety Procedure, rules for Cruise Ship Crew- Training Course - cruise online


Food safety Procedure, rules for Cruise Ship Crew- Training Course

Food safety Procedure, rules for Cruise Ship Crew

Apart from creativity and passion, cruise ship chefs jobs demand vigilance and a keen eye on food safety. Being attentive at every step of the food production and service process enables cruise ship companies to keep their guests safe from food related diseases and in turn secure their reputation in the market.

Companies in the US ensure that cruise ship chefs follow the HACCP system – Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point – which research has shown is a viable food safety operation system. By rigorously following the procedures, chefs on board can identify chemical, physical and biological threats at any step of the flow of food – from delivery and storage to cooking and service.
All across the board, including the galley, the HACCP system follows a seven step procedure.

1. Analysing the hazard
2. Determining the points of risk
3. Establishing critical limits
4. Formulating procedures for monitoring
5. Corrective action
6. Checking the system
7. Keeping Records
