


1) Loading
Liason with shore personnel for controlled and continous flow of traffic notify drivers about height restrictions. Ensure that car deck personnel wear high visibiiey cteing Control speed of vehicles especially the long and wide freight vehies. Alert thr drivers to any dangers that exist or may develop. Do not allow the vessel to list. Plan the loading with respect to stowage of vehicles. All personnel contsolling koading tobe familiar with escape routes and safety rules. Always remain in line of drivers sight. Give clear directional signals using hi glow lluminated batens
or arm signals guide the drivers who may be tired or unfamiliar with the ship. Operation of the ramps or retractable vehicle decks to be operated using safety checklist and by a responsible person who is nominated for the job. The operator should always have a the ramp at all times, or be directed by a person who has the full view All ramps and decks to be well lit and free fromoil, water or other substance that may cause slipping
Ensure ventilation is on during loading unloading of vehicles. Keep FFA and absorbent material ready for use. Check all guard chains on decks are secured check that there is no loose gear lift. Check that all passengers have left their vehicles.

2) Embarkation and Disembarkation
A safe means of access must be provided between the ship and quay. This access must be properly rigged, secured and protected by means of a net. It should be adjusted and attended to maintain a safe means of access at all times. It should be well luminated at night. A lifebuoy with a self activating light and safety line should be kept ready for use nearby. The angle of slope should not be more than 55Degrees. Trained personnel to assist disabled passengers should be in attendance. There should be means of communication between the person in charge of boarding / unboarding operations on board and the person in charge of marshalling passengers on the qua There should be a barrier free passage for wheel chair passengers. Visual safety instructions and information to be posted in as large and clear form as possible. Spoken announcements should be preceded by a tone to attract the attention of passengers with sight impairment. Special areas such as 'Help desk' should be provided for passengers in need of same. Details of passengers in need of any special care should be noted and master informed. All passengers to be counted before departure. Names and gender of all persons on board distinguishing between adults, children, infants and disabled to be recorded and kept ashore and on board for search and rescue purpose. Company's or fleet checklist to be followed for this purpose. Personnel to be assigned to direct the passengers safely to their cabins on board.

3) Legislation Codes and agreements affecting Ro RoPassenger Ships.
This will vary depending on the ships area of operation. Various restrictions may be imposed a list of which must be kept posted, updated and the appropriate personnel informed.
