



Crowd Management is the ability to assist passengers in an emergency situation, to control passengers in staircases, corridors and passages, to use procedures for preventing panic and other irrational behaviour, and ttp communicate with, instruct and inform passengers. Crew members shall furthermore be capable of mobilizing
passengers to assist and also possess the capacity to convince and calm passengers in an emergency situation

According to STCW: The Crew Must Possess the Ability to Monitor and Manage a Crowd During an Emergency Situation.

The crew must provide passengers with relevant information during an emergency situation. (Once people know why they are required to take certain actions they are more willing to do so.)

The crew must be able to take a leading role in an emergency situation. (Passengers must have faith in the personnel on the basis of their uniform and their verbal and non- verbal behaviour.)

The crew must be able to react in a proper way after having assessed the reaction pattern of the passengers.
The crew must be able to mobilize some of the passengers to assist.
The crew must be able to convince passengers that an emergency situation is over if this really is the case.

Informing Passengers in Case of Emergency

  • Information to passengers must be given high priority
  • Be prepared for stress reactions from passengers and crew members
  • Control the information
  • The crew must be more well informed than the passengers.
  • Never lose your credibility
  • Introduce yourself (title and name) and keep your voice under control.
  • Talk slowly and clearly. Inform without being talkative. Avoid technical language.
  • The messages must agree with what the passengers themselves are experiencing
  • Report everything that the passengers can perceive or understand themselves
  • Do not make light of real risks
  • Passengers may expect that the truth is being kept from them.

1. Tell what has happened
2. Give your appraisal of the situation
3. Give details about what measures have been taken
4. State the expected outcome
5. State whether the situation has been reported ashore
6. Point out that the crew is trained for the task and that the passengers must follow their instructions
7. State the point in time for the next announcement
