STCW Crowd Management Passenger Ship Familiarization Cruise Course Definition PSF 2010 - cruise online


STCW Crowd Management Passenger Ship Familiarization Cruise Course Definition PSF 2010


STCW Crowd Management Passenger Ship Familiarization Cruise Course Definition PSF 2010

Crowd Management

This STCW Crowd Management online course aims to train seafarers on how to deal with passengers and big crowds in emergency situations on board of ships and locate essential safety and emergency equipment.

The STCW Crowd Management training is mandatory for Masters, officers, qualified ratings and other personnel designated on muster lists to assist passengers in emergencies on the boards of passenger ships.

3 Key Components of Any Successful Crowd Control Strategy

Crowd control is a loaded concept. It can involve everything from “controlling” crowds at a small community parade to crowd control at a large stadium. At either end of the spectrum, there are some basics to cover. Here we look at 3 components of a successful crowd control strategy when it comes to equipment:

1. Stanchions and Barriers to Establish Clear Boundaries

2. . Signage to Help Guide People to Where They Need to Go

3. Solutions to Enhance Safety and Security

This course is mandatory for all seafarers serving on board sea-going passenger ships.

What you will learn

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to;

Control a crowd in an onboard emergency situation 

Communicate effectively with passengers

Behavioral techniques and procedures to maintain calm  amongst anxious passengers

Demonstrate the use of Personal Life Saving Appliances

Comply with the Ship’s Safety and Emergency procedures

Understand Mustering procedures

Assist passengers en route to muster and embarkation stations


STCW Crowd Management Passenger Ship Familiarization Cruise Course Definition PSF 2010


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