Dutch Cargo Crew Jumped into Sea Rescued by Norwegian Rescue Team in Stormy Weather - cruise online


Dutch Cargo Crew Jumped into Sea Rescued by Norwegian Rescue Team in Stormy Weather


Watch this dramatic footage of a Norwegian rescue team airlifting a Dutch cargo ship crew as the vessel was close to capsizing in stormy weather 👇

The crew of a Dutch cargo ship was evacuated in stormy weather off the coast of Norway late on Monday, leaving the abandoned vessel adrift and in danger of sinking and causing an oil spill, local authorities said. 

Footage released by the Norwegian Rescue Coordination Centre showed some of the 12 crew members jumping into the ocean from the badly listing Eemslift Hendrika before being rescued by helicopter. Others were hoisted directly from the deck. All were brought to safety, but the vessel - currently some 130 km (80 miles) off the coast in the North Sea - is at risk of sinking, Norwegian officials said. The Hendrika has around 350 tonnes of heavy oil and 50 tonnes of diesel in its tanks, the Coastal Administration said in a statement


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