PH Public Health, Personal Hygiene - cruise online


PH Public Health, Personal Hygiene

Public Health Personal Hygiene for ships crew

Communicable diseases
Boils, open sores, infections, diarrhea, jaundice, fever, vomiting, sore throat with fever,
discharges from nose or mouth. You must report these conditions or symptoms to the
vessels medical staff immediately

Wash hands.often for a minimum of 20 seconds (Hand Washing Sink is for Hand Washing only)
- Always wear hair restraints and a clean uniform
. Do not touch ready to cat foods with bare hands
- Use disposable gloves, utensils, or dispensing equipment.
- Do not touch food contact surfaces with bare hands
- Eating, chewing, drinking or smoking is prohibited in all food preparation areas
- No personal items with you in the work place.

Three Bucket  System (4 Steps)
1 -RED WASH Soap, Hot Water, Scrubbing pad
2 GREY RINSE -Hot Water, Cloth
3 WHITE-SANITIZE Room Temperature Water with chlorine 100ppm (Parts Per Million)-Cloth

Cleaning vs Sanitizing
Cleaning: Removing food and other types of soil from the surface
Sanitizing: Reducing the number of microorganisms on a surface to safe levels.
